

Revitalize Your Beauty

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Welcome to vie d’elite in Plano, TX, where the allure of timeless beauty meets the forefront of scientific innovation. We specialize in professional injectable treatments, including Botox, Dysport, Jeuveau, Kybella, and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). Our treatments, embodying the pinnacle of aesthetic beauty solutions, cater to a discerning clientele that values personalized and transformative experiences.

Services Under Injectables


Timeless Elegance for the Discerning

In Plano, our Botox services blend ageless beauty with modern sophistication, ideal for clients who seek a refined and graceful appearance. Our personalized approach ensures that each treatment echoes your unique style and elegance.


Subtle Yet Impactful for the Trend-Aware

Dysport, preferred by Plano’s trend-conscious clients, offers a balance of subtle improvement and noticeable refinement. Its precision and fast-acting results perfectly align with the dynamic lifestyle of our clients.


Modern Elegance for the Contemporary Professional

Jeuveau® caters to Plano’s modern professionals, offering a solution to dynamic wrinkles that aligns with their contemporary lifestyle. This treatment is for those who value the latest advancements in beauty care.


Sculpted Perfection for the Visionary

In Plano, Kybella® is the choice for clients aiming to redefine and sculpt their appearance. Its transformative power appeals to those who seek high-value outcomes and precision in their aesthetic choices.

Platelet Rich Plasma

Holistic Wellness for the Health-Conscious Elite

Our PRP therapy is favored by Plano’s health-conscious elite, offering a natural and holistic approach to beauty and wellness. It reflects our commitment to innovative solutions that align external beauty with inner health.

Why vie d'elite Stands Apart in Injectable Treatments

In the heart of Plano, TX, vie d’elite is not just a clinic but a sanctuary of beauty and care. Our injectable treatments are crafted as unique experiences, reflecting the individual beauty narratives of our clients. We focus on:

Safety and Personalization

Each journey is safe, uniquely tailored, and deeply respectful of your individuality.

Expertise with Compassion

Combining professional excellence with a warm, empathetic approach.

State-of-the-Art Techniques

Employing the latest advancements in injectable technology for optimal results.

Our Commitment to You

Personalized Beauty Journeys

Every client at vie d'elite embarks on a bespoke beauty journey. We celebrate your individuality, crafting treatments that reflect your unique aesthetic goals. Our approach ensures a personalized experience, highlighting and enhancing your natural beauty in a way that’s exclusively yours.

Cutting-Edge Aesthetic Innovation

vie d'elite prides itself on pioneering in aesthetic technology. We constantly innovate, offering the latest advancements in treatments and techniques. Our commitment to cutting-edge solutions ensures you receive the most effective and forward-thinking care in the beauty industry.

Empowerment Through Knowledge

Knowledge is power at vie d'elite. We focus on educating our clients, providing detailed insights into our treatments. By understanding the nuances of each procedure, you are empowered to make informed decisions, ensuring confidence and satisfaction in your beauty journey.

Community and Integrity

At vie d'elite, our integrity and dedication to community wellness distinguish us. We uphold exceptional service standards, fostering an environment of luxury, respect, and excellence. Here, you're more than a client; you're a vital part of our collective journey to beauty and wellness.

Achieve Your Beauty Goals at vie d'elite

At vie d’elite in Plano, TX, each injectable treatment is a step towards your ideal self. We cater to various aesthetic goals, from natural enhancements to defining new contours. Book a consultation today for a personalized beauty journey.

Contact Us

Begin your transformation at vie d’elite in Plano, TX. Contact us at (945) 899-0001, or book through our online system. Join our social media community to stay updated with the latest in aesthetic beauty and innovation.

Ready To Get Started?

Transform your beauty journey today! Begin your path to radiant confidence now.  Let’s get started on your transformation together.